I began my (possibly lifelong) journey toward Indian food mastery at my small library of cookbooks, intent on making kick-ass samosas. After flipping through all of their indexes, I found the word "samosa" in only two: Vegan with a Vengeance's Potato-Edamame Samosas with Coconut-Mint Chutney, and Veganomicon's

After a mildly labor-intensive hour-and-a-half, I created a mound of soft, yellow pastries containing a samosa-like filling. When dunked into the mint chutney (which, sadly, lacked cilantro due to local scarcity), they tasted more like savory cupcakes than kick-ass samosas. Edible, yes. "Good Indian food," sorta. Satisfying? No.
At least I had defined, hopefully, the nadir of my journey.
About a week later I was at a bookstore with my friend Promnesiac and wandered over to the ethnic cuisine section to see what vegetarian Indian stuff they had. Turned out they had the bible of vegetarian Indian cooking: Lord Krishna's Cuisine: The Art of Indian Vegetarian Cooking
It was immediately clear that making the samosas in this book was going to be a challenge. Making the dough, filling, and accompanying chutney was going to be a demanding but manageable trial. Forming perfect samosas with all these components, however, was going to take a lot of practice. I didn't want to fail immediately, so I opted for a compromise: Tangy Potato Coconut Singhara Logs, (a.k.a. Aloo Nariyal Singhara). They're basically rolled-up samosas.

I think I'll pick something from the "Dal Soups" section next time.
Ah, delicious. I had planned to make samosas this weekend, with the VWaV recipe. I have similar experience with Indian food. Shortly after I graduated from college I became good friends with an Indian-American whose mom invited me over for dinner & taught me the basics of ayurveda (I'm pure pitta). In the years since it's always been little funny being this chubby Southerner who makes amazing Indian food... but so it goes. Yet, I haven't mastered samosas--or even tried, really. Thanks for the honest assessment of the VWaV recipe, and for the tip about Lord Krishna's cuisine. Since I don't have the money to spare right now, I'll look to some of my reliable Indian blog friends.
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